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Susan Lee is a comic book creator, a fine artist and a director.


She has been a writer since she could use the alphabet, writing poetry no one will ever read, and volumes and volumes of prose hidden in numerous notebooks throughout her various living spaces.


Her graphic novel, "Wraith of Love", is a three part series that was inspired by the works of Frank Miller and Jim Steranko. Her novel, "Shadow of the Knight" has been called "a rollercoaster of a ride", "one of the loveliest pieces of psychological suspense I've ever read" and "a thing of stark beauty".


Never one to be still, Susan has also been a theater director for most of her adult life, as well as a filmmaker, specializing in short films. She lives to create. And to hang out with her weirdo cat, Indiana Jones, because every creative needs to have their familiar and he is hers.

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